Flavor and Fragrance Ingredients for Any Application

Gain Strategic Insights to Aromas Chemicals & Essential Oils

As one of the world’s largest distributors of aroma chemicals and essential oils, we offer you both world-class supply chain security and expert R&D support. In addition to an unrelenting focus on quality and transparency, you can benefit from our global supplier network and up-to-date market insights. We’ll help you develop superior products in categories including flavors, fragrances, aromatherapy, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, personal care, and household products.

Essential Oils

Our constantly expanding portfolio of pure, all-natural essential oils includes conventional and organic options. In addition, we can create customized blends that meet your specifications—allowing you to reduce overall cost while maintaining high quality. 

Assorted soaps and lotions on a table.
Aroma Chemicals

Our portfolio includes a wide range of natural and synthetic aroma chemicals for applications including flavor, fragrance, and personal care. Dedicated purchasing offices in key production locations allow us to offer you high-quality products at competitive prices. 

Oils and soaps next to ferns.
Industry-Leading Market Expertise

When you choose Prinova, you gain reliable access to our robust supply chain and strategic global inventories. You’ll also benefit from real-time insights into the flavor and fragrance markets, so you can act when the time is right. Our dedicated in-house development team creates standardized and custom essential oil blends, allowing you to reduce costs and maintain high quality.

Global Network

We’ve spent more than 35 years building a global network of farmers, distillers, and manufacturers. These strong partnerships allow us to guarantee quality and ensure reliable ingredient availability.  

Assorted oils next to lab beakers.
Quality Assurance

Rigorous in-house quality-control testing and analytical work guarantees the highest quality across our product categories. We carry out per-lot sampling and testing on all products marked with the Prinova quality seal, and always guarantee full transparency and traceability.

A man picking fruit.
Market Trends

Our product management and specialist marketing teams work together to offer you high-quality insights into flavor and fragrance ingredients markets. By arming you with the latest intelligence on trends, we’ll help you make the right purchasing decisions.

Featured Products

Market Applications

We provide flavor and fragrance ingredients for a wide range of applications, including: 

  • Aromatherapy
  • Flavor & Fragrance
  • Personal Care
  • Natural Repellents
  • Beverage 
  • Food
  • Pharmaceutical

Aroma Specialists


General Manager, Prinova Aromas

Bill Palagonia

For Bill Palagonia, success within the flavors and fragrance industry has been a lifelong endeavor, starting with his first job: working for his father at a broker of essential oils and aroma chemicals. Now an industry leader, he’s led a storied career. He learned from industry pioneers, formed his own distribution company (later sold to Prinova), and served as Executive Vice President of a leading flavors and fragrances supplier. Today, as General Manager of Prinova Aromas, he leverages his strong relationships with manufacturers, suppliers, and experts worldwide, and has helped countless customers understand market and product nuances.


Sales Director, Flavor & Fragrance Ingredients

John Potocek

Prior to joining Prinova, John Potocek held a variety of positions in the flavor and fragrance industry. Over the course of 16 years, he rose from Purchasing Manager to Account Executive to Regional Sales Manager — roles in which he refined his ability to help customers make informed buying decisions. In June 2015, he joined Prinova as Sales Director of Flavor and Fragrance ingredients. He is also the brains behind PrinovaTV, an informational video series providing updates on the Aroma Chemical market with co-host Nils Ahrens.


Senior Product Manager, Aroma Chemicals

Nils Ahrens

Nils Ahrens has over 15 years of experience in the food ingredients and flavor & fragrance industries, in both Germany and the US. Over that time, he held various roles — ranging from procurement to product development— which helped him develop a deep understanding of the aroma chemical global market. As Senior Product Manager, Nils enjoys building long lasting relationships with customers and suppliers, and provides updates on the aroma chemical market as PrinovaTV’s co-host.